Application of acid-modified petroleum resin
1. EVA type hot melt adhesive: Improve the peeling force and expand the types of bonding substrates. The addition of acid-modified resins can also increase the transparency of the glue.

2. SBC hot-melt pressure-sensitive adhesive: improve the corrosion resistance of polar plasticizers, protect the PS hardness segment, and prevent the strength of SBC from decreasing. Improves peel strength and tack strength of pressure sensitive adhesives.

3. Polymer blending: It can be used as a compatibilizer for blending various polymers and improve the bonding force.

4. Inorganic fillers: When adding inorganic fillers into the system, it can effectively improve the dispersibility of inorganic fillers, which is faster and more uniform, and can increase the amount of fillers added by 20-50%, which can reduce costs.

5. PVC electrical tape: In addition to tackifying, it can effectively block the erosion of DOP plasticizers.
Mr. Nie
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